I had a day off and it was nice and relaxing. I was going to go into Seattle to look at apartments but I slept in really late so I decided I'lljust go down on Wednesday instead. I'm glad that I didn't because I would've probably got stuck in a major traffic headache because of the immmigration rally. If I didn't have Jack I would've actually liked to participate in the rally. My brother's girlfriend is there right now. Her extended family lives in Mexico and her parents were immigrants.
Growing up in the Southwest this hits close to home. I don't know how many of you have heard about what is going on but it really scary. If these people are found as felons there will be mass deportations. Many of these people have American born children, jobs,friends, opportunity. They come here to make an honest living and pack their families into small homes and apartments in bad neighborhoods and work 80 hours a week just to send most of their money back to their families in their home countries.
Sure, some are criminals, but we have a shitload of American criminals too and no one tries to ship them off to a foreign land. Plus, if you have ever been to a very poor Mexican village you wouldn't wish that life on an enemy. From many towns you can see into America and it's heartbreaking. It's like living in a constant nightmare. Just a few miles away are jobs, schools, doctors, clean water. In places like Arizona they are trying to get a law passed that if you assist an illegal in any way you can go to jail too. If you call 911 the officer has to find out if you are an actual citizen before they can help you. Or paramedics could be imprisoned for helping to save the life of an illegal alien. I can't imagine this law would actually pass but it's upsetting that people would even think that would be a good idea.
It just seems funny how everyone seems to forget that at one point, a family member of theirs was an immmigrant to this country. That if that person hadn't risked a lot they wouldn't be here either.