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Friday, May 25, 2007

Ajuma part deux

If you read Ann's BlogLink then you know about her "Ajuma" post. Ever since then I've been paying special attention while at work and I've realized that these women are a large portion of the overall Asian population that frequents our store.

In fact, the day after her post I saw a woman with short, permed hair. She had on a really old Burberry zip up track jacket thing with plain, navy blue sweatpants and then she had on nude stockings and dressy, heeled loafer-style shoes. Such a very odd fashion combination. Then yesterday there was one with a visor on. I just had to chuckle to myself.

So congrats to Ann on enlightening me and giving me a way to categorize these people.


Blogger BLAND said...

Erika, you may meet my mother in June. FYI - she doesn't perm anymore and she does NOT wear a visor. I, however, will be wearing both.

10:21 AM


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