Holla Back!!!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Feliz Cumpleanos Senor Dolak!

Here is a small tribute to my friend Kevin. (No, not that one...the other one. I know too many damn Kevins).

1. You are my favorite Kevin.
2. You are a heinous bitch before you get in that first cup of coffee in the morning (but I feel your pain).
3. You can always make me laugh until I pee myself a little.
4. We've participated in many illegal/immoral activities together.
5. We drove to Vegas and back without killing each other.
6. Floating Priest Dad.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Could it be?

I watched SNL with Kevin Spacey last night and I was shocked. I was actually laughing. This is something that hasn't happened in quite some time. Well, Weekend Update is always good, but there were quite a lot of good skits last night. The "I'm Carol" one was hilarious and I loved the spoof on the Usual Suspects. Hopefully this means that the end of crappy, unfunny SNL is over and a newer, more amusing SNL is back.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Best Boss EVER!

As you all know my other boss was canned and now I have a new boss. She is so super fantastic. We look fairly similar but she's about 5 years older than me. She has a ton of experience with fixing messed up stores like ours. Already the store is a lot better and it's nicer to work there. I am no longer working 50-60 hour weeks. Things are finally working properly. It's amazing. I no longer dread going to work.

The most hilarious part is that she has a theater group that does shows at Renaissance Festivals and she plays a pirate captain. Her group is actually getting to go to the premiere of Pirates of the Carribean all decked out in their gear. I know it sounds kinds nerdy but she handmakes all of her costumes and all of their weapons are totally authentic and battle-ready. And she gets to see Johnny Depp, and not much is better than that.

Hamster Crisis Averted

Today I noticed that my hamster (Baron Von Hamster) was acting kinda weird. A bit lethargic and he was haing trouble walking and he was even lying on his back for a bit. It seemed a bit strange. When I went over to look I noticed that his eyes were closed and he was all sunken in at the waist. He looked like a furry Nicole Richie. Then I realized that his little water dispenser wasn't working properly. So I had to give him water by hand. And then hhe started to look better. I felt so horrible. I was heartbroken. If I would've noticed sooner I would've fixed it. I feel like a hamster abuser.