Holla Back!!!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Feliz Cumpleanos Senor Dolak!

Here is a small tribute to my friend Kevin. (No, not that one...the other one. I know too many damn Kevins).

1. You are my favorite Kevin.
2. You are a heinous bitch before you get in that first cup of coffee in the morning (but I feel your pain).
3. You can always make me laugh until I pee myself a little.
4. We've participated in many illegal/immoral activities together.
5. We drove to Vegas and back without killing each other.
6. Floating Priest Dad.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!!!


Blogger Kevin said...

awww shucks, thanks.
6. "there they are, Hitler!!"

11:31 AM

Blogger Erika said...

7. sugar, do do do do do do, awwww, honey honey.

12:18 PM


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