the Bro
My brother was just in town and it was so nice to hang out with him. His girlfriend lives in Seattle so he hung out with us for part of the time and hung out with her for a few days. It was nice because it gave us a reason to actually go into Seattle and do fun stuff. Her apartment is so little and cute and it reminded me of living in New York. She lived right in Capitol Hill which is my favorite part of the city.
We went to a good burrito place and walked around and went to Red Light Vintage which is a clothing store that I love. We went over to Pioneer Square and went on the Underground Tour which is very cool. Not so much for what you see (or don't see) but because you learn a lot about the history of Seattle and they tell you this cool story about a woman who owned a really successful brothel and gave more money to the public school system than even Bill Gates. She bailed out 5 banks during the Depression too because she was so weathly. That is a true testament to the fact that men will throw a lot of money at a vagina.
I'm so excited to see Ann!!!! But I am sad that she will kidnap my child and devour him.