Holla Back!!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

the Bro

My brother was just in town and it was so nice to hang out with him. His girlfriend lives in Seattle so he hung out with us for part of the time and hung out with her for a few days. It was nice because it gave us a reason to actually go into Seattle and do fun stuff. Her apartment is so little and cute and it reminded me of living in New York. She lived right in Capitol Hill which is my favorite part of the city.

We went to a good burrito place and walked around and went to Red Light Vintage which is a clothing store that I love. We went over to Pioneer Square and went on the Underground Tour which is very cool. Not so much for what you see (or don't see) but because you learn a lot about the history of Seattle and they tell you this cool story about a woman who owned a really successful brothel and gave more money to the public school system than even Bill Gates. She bailed out 5 banks during the Depression too because she was so weathly. That is a true testament to the fact that men will throw a lot of money at a vagina.

I'm so excited to see Ann!!!! But I am sad that she will kidnap my child and devour him.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

You've got to be Joking

Ok so apparently Samuel L. Jackson is going to be in a movie called Snakes on a Plane. All I can think about is the sketch on SNL with the snakes on the airplane. I've been searching to see if I can find of pic of it but I can't and I've given up. Now that sketch was hella funny but how can you make that into a whole movie? It's times like this that I wish I still smoked weed because I would get high as hell and go see this movie.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

days off

I love having time off. It's so frickin' awesome. next weekend I have 4 days off in a row since ann will be blessing me with her presence. Today was very productive. I bought groceries and we cleaned the house. We also made some very yummy banana bread with chocolate chips and coconut. Collin made this veggie lasagna that was really good and for dinner we made soup. We were so domestic.

I went through my closet and got out all of the clothes that I don't want anymore and put them in a big bag for Goodwill. My closet looks bare now. We are slowly going though our stuff to get rid of it before we move. I know we have a little bit of time but I don't want to wait until the last minute.

Speaking of which--if anyone was planning on getting us anything for birthdays or Christmas, or just because you are feeling strangely generous you can feel free to send a gift of money. It's gonna cost a buttload to move and I really don't want to have to put it on a credit card.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

So Tired

I give and I give and I give. I was at work for 12 hours today and will be there for 12 hours tomorrow and 15 on both Saturday and Sunday. The store looks really good though and it needs to because we are getting audited tomorrow.

Here's the thing: our store is on tribal land and we think it's cursed. The accessories store that CK opened closed down within 3 months and we actually have video footage of 2 purses on two separate days in 2 separate spots in the store flying off the shelves. That place was freakin' haunted as hell.

It seems like no matter how hard we work something gets messed up or not done at all. But I'm still getting a raise! YAY!

Can someone who lives in NY please go to the CK building and tell them that their company is eating my soul? Can they clone me so that I can get more done in the day? I have never worked so hard in all my life.

But it's fun to be pretentious and say that I manage a Calvin Klein store,even though I'm pretty sure no one cares.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


So if you have been wondering where I've been and just chalked it up to the fact that Calvin Klein now owns my soul, you are only half right. I actually took a very improptu vacay thanks to my cragy husband.

The short version is that Collin hadn't slept in about 3 days,had a quarter-life crisis so-to-say, and took a flight to Tampa in the middle of the night. Half a day later and after I tried to file a missing persons report I found out that he had lost his mind and went back to where he's from. I'm sure you are thinking "WTF!!" but don't fret, all is well now. Two months of never seeing the sun and dealing with the fact that he never sees me because I'm always working really got to him.

SO I flew out on the red eye that night and got to go to Florida for the first time. It was really cool. I got to meet all of his friends and drink Border's chai and it was so relaxing.

So now we think that we may move there at the end of the summer when the lease is up here. I think I will have a job at Nordstroms (I had a mini-phone interview today) and one of Collin's friends owns a duplex and we can move in for $600/month!!! until we buy a house. Plus Collin gets his old job back at Borders and we will actually have friends and I can get a nice suntan, or sunburn.

In other news, I am getting a raise (I don't know how much yet) and my current job also has no idea that I may be leaving. In addition, there are quick and cheap flights from NYC to FL so no excuses for not visiting me.