Holla Back!!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

So Tired

I give and I give and I give. I was at work for 12 hours today and will be there for 12 hours tomorrow and 15 on both Saturday and Sunday. The store looks really good though and it needs to because we are getting audited tomorrow.

Here's the thing: our store is on tribal land and we think it's cursed. The accessories store that CK opened closed down within 3 months and we actually have video footage of 2 purses on two separate days in 2 separate spots in the store flying off the shelves. That place was freakin' haunted as hell.

It seems like no matter how hard we work something gets messed up or not done at all. But I'm still getting a raise! YAY!

Can someone who lives in NY please go to the CK building and tell them that their company is eating my soul? Can they clone me so that I can get more done in the day? I have never worked so hard in all my life.

But it's fun to be pretentious and say that I manage a Calvin Klein store,even though I'm pretty sure no one cares.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll go there after work tomorrow..promise!

Who should I speak to, Calvin himself?

3:26 PM

Blogger Erika said...

yes,ask for Mr.Klein.

11:32 PM

Blogger BLAND said...

You mean Marty McFly.

7:29 AM


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