Long Time No Write

I know I haven't updated this in a long time. Life has got in the way. Well let me bring you up to speed.
I'm still working a lot, but not quite as much as I was during the holidays. It's still fun although one of the people on my staff is pissing me off big time. I wish it was easier to fire someone, but you have to go through all of these HR hoops. I did get to fire someone a few weeks ago. I kind of wanted to laugh the whole time. She was freakin' terrible. When an employee has been there for 90 days we have to review them and then decide if we want to keep them or not. It all went pretty well actually. no tears or pleading.
Jack can walk really really fast now and has a slew of words that he says. his favorite is "uh oh." He likes to purposely throw things on the ground and then say it. He also says "mama," "papa," "dada", "whoa", "hey," "hi" and "book."
My mom just sent me her old Kitchen Aid mixer and i'm so excited. One of our friends is coming over tomorrow and i'm going to bake some vegan cookies. This is what my life has come to. Sigh.....