I wish I had more time because I could make this a long one, but alas it will be short and sweet. I also don't want to make Kevin all weepy and shit.
Tomorrow, as all of you know, is his birthday. He's so old now that I've lost track of how old he will actually be. I just want to say that Kevin is most certainly one of my best friends. Although I haven't seen him in far too long, I know he's always there if I need to bitch about something or to just laugh my ass off.
I met Kevin in college and have spent way too many hours potato chipping and fondling the remote control with him. He participated in mine and Jenny's Behind the Summer where we dined on 40s and sticks of butter.
I've traveled all over with Kevin and I've actually had sex with him in 6 countries. (Kind of a weird, and yet interesting, fact.) We've been to Vegas, England, Ireland, Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin and Prague together. And we laughed for about 90% of the time on all of those trips. And we were intoxicated 100% of the time on all of those trips.
Kevin is dear to my heart and I miss him constantly.
I hope you have a kick ass birthday and I hope that you get everything you've ever wanted. I've heard that Ann might just get you a dead hooker this year! I wish I could be there to celebrate with you.
Love, Erika