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Sunday, November 13, 2005

and the bullshit continues

Once again I am living proof that going to college does not guarantee good employment. I have been waiting on an interview with the regional manager of Calvin Klein. He lives in Vegas but is up here right now because they are opening a new store. He usually just does phone interviews but since he was going to be in town the girl who interviewed me wanted me to meet with him in person. I've been persistent in trying to get a meeting with him but he's always "too busy." I saw him for 2 seconds today and he said he would have one of the assistant managers interview me. But who knows if he will remember to have that guy call me up. I say this because he was supposed to call me when he came into town and never did. I don't even think I'm competing with anyone for the job, they just need a second interview. Stupid formality. I've been holding off on working anywhere esle for 2 weeks because I was waiting for this jackass to talk with me. I would like the job because it's close to home and it pays well but I'm so frustrated.

I've decided I'm just going to start looking elsewhere. I'm not going to hold my breath with this. If they want to give me the job they can but I've got bills to pay and shoes to buy. I'm going to a Starbucks job fair tomorrow. I would only work for them if they gave me a management position. I still am not happy at the prospect of working at a Starbucks but there are a trillion of them around here and I have the experience already.

When will Paris Hilton decide to be a kind-hearted philanthropist and just give me a lump sum of cash?


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