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Friday, July 14, 2006

Where Gambling Addictions Begin

Word to yo mutha!

We went to Chuck E. Cheese tonight. We actually didn't go because of Jack, we went because a 28 year old coworker of mine is leaving soon and she wanted to have a going away party. I can honestly say I think it had been 15 years since i had been to one.

I don't remember it being so small and i don't remember it being so loud. It was seriously louder in there than at Ozzfest (not that I've ever been to Ozzfest, but I can only imagine). The anamatronic show is still as creepy and ancient looking as ever. The food is overpriced and you can get a piece of crap squirt gun for 100 tickets.

But the kids go nuts for it. They are begging for tokens and lining up at the Skee ball like crack addicts. The staff is young and unfriendly and there are filthy kids running around and making a mess. I'm now out $35 and probably have TB or something.


Blogger BLAND said...

Ha. My sister worked at a Chuck E. Cheese one summer. She even had to wear the costumes and come out and let the children molest her! I'm sure she has nightmares about it still.

10:42 AM


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