Holla Back!!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Happy 4th! I hope everyone had a good one. We went to a friend's house just a couple blocks away and ate and drank and played Taboo. I actually had to get my team to say "sperm whale." They got the "whale" part easily but then all I could think to say for "sperm" was "It comes out of a penis." What a weird thing to get someone to say.

Then we went outside because my friends' had bought fireworks. One of the ones that are supposed to go really high before it explodes, only went about 10 feet up and then went off. It blew up right in front of us. I almost had a heart attack but jack didn't even cry. I am not a big fan of fireworks when they are up close. I never have been. Luckily everything was fine and now I'm just wasting time when I should be sleeping. Damn, I'm going to be tired at work tomorrow.


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