Holla Back!!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006


I'm very excited because our tiny family is going to have another member. And before you all crap yourselves thinking that i'm preggers...I'm NOT!! We are getting a roommate.

Our friend Chris, who is on the ship that Collin was on, is coming back here in about a month, after fornicating with whores in foreign ports for the last 5 months.

We talked to him the other day and he mentioned that he wanted to get a house when he gets here and needs to look around. I sort of threw it in there that we were going to be renting a house and that it would be really fun to live with him. Surprisingly, he agreed. He is obviously either crazy or a saint for volunteering to live with a toddler that did not come from his own loins.

Plus it will be nice to split the rent with someone and Jack will have another buddy to play with. And Collin and I will have some respite from our boring lives.

It's weird though because I haven't had a roommate since my senior year of college. I think it will work out fine though.

By the way, chris informed me that you can have sex with a Thai whore for the equivalent of $28.


Blogger BLAND said...

And I was the best roommate you ever had!

$28 for a poke? Not too shabby. But was is she 100% wo-man?

6:45 AM

Blogger Erika said...

ann, of course you were the best roomie ever. we had the porno room for all of those parties.

Ummm, I don't know if she was a very convincing she-male or not. I will have to find out the extent to which he spoke with these whores. And whether or not he could see an Adam's apple.

1:13 PM


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