Holla Back!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Sorry Ann, Mine's Better

these are my cards

Collin bought me a deck of tarot cards the other day and then I got a book on how to do readings and whatnot. I read through the book a bit but considering there are 78 cards and a lot of history behind them, I couldn't memorize the whole thing. When I went to our friends' house last night I brought the cards and the book.

We did a few spreads (get your mind out of the gutter!) and it really helped me get more comfortable with the cards and their meanings. I still need a lot of practice before I can get comfortable enough to dress like a gypsy and start charging people.

I felt like Ann when she did my "reading" in vegas. I kept having to flip back and forth in the book to figure everything out and some of it just seemed weird. Certain things didn't seem to make sense but it was interesting and fun nonetheless.

All in all, it was so much fun conjuring the devil!


Blogger BLAND said...

I have no idea where my cards are, yet I keep spreading...

6:44 AM

Blogger Erika said...

but you spread well, I've heard

1:10 PM


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