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Friday, July 14, 2006

Show Me the Fat Fuck Who Would Eat This

You can actually get a burger at BK now with four beef patties, four cheese slices, multiple bacon strips, special sauce and no vegetables. Not only is there not one single thing on this sucker that is even remotely healthy, the website actually brags about the fact that it has no veggies.

I think this burger is a vegan's nightmare. We assessed the situation and realized that we wouldn't even be able to get four meat patties out of our dog. I think this whole burger is the back end of a cow and all the dairy it could produce in a month, slapped between two sesame seed buns. Not to mention an entire pig's worth of bacon.

Why don't they just be frank about it and call this thing the Fat Ass, the Damn I'm High Right Now, the Bulemic's Binger, the Navy Wife Delight or the Delicious Heart Attack?


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