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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Freakin' Xmas

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our ghetto ass tree

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the beautiful entertainment center

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where my gifts at?

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no, seriously, where's the toys?

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Today was one of the weirdest Christmases ever. It wasn't really bad or anything, just weird. Jack slept in which meant that I got to sleep in too. Then we all got up and began to decorate in the living room with stuff we bought from Goodwill yesterday. The tree was already up but we added some Hanukah lights and some corny stockings. As you can see Chris Rock is on the TV. We watched standup on comedy central all day. I cleaned the house and Jack slept on Derrick. Collin worked until 7 and i only got to see him for about an hour.

Then we put on our hideous Xmas sweatshirts (also from Goodwill) and tried to go find some dinner. We were going to get Chinese but I guess the Chinese have decided to celebrate Xmas this year. Then we were going to go to the buffet at the casino because it was open, but when we got there it was an hour wait!!! It was crazy. But we got to see this strung out and drunk white trash woman teetering around the casino floor. Collin brought up an interesting point the other day. Has anyone noticed that middle aged white trash women often look deceptively young? Are they being preserved by all the Coors Light? That's what this woman looked like. I promised Collin I would look like her in 20 years.

So we left and went to Jack in the Box. It was tasty and unhealthy and the perfect end to a good ol' American Xmas.

I hope you all had a nice day. i hope you got all of the lube and vibrators that you asked for.


Blogger Queen of De-Nile said...

I'm still waitin for my lube and vibrator to come in the mail. Sounds like you guys actually had some fun.

2:17 PM

Blogger BLAND said...

I'm digging the bling. Unfortunately I did not get the lube and vibe I asked for. So I just jerked myself off with what I had....spit and a blender. Merry Christmas!

6:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erika - your kid is damn cute.

11:36 PM

Blogger ms. flipz said...

love the yankee bling, erika. represent!

7:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had no idea your Bro was the lead singer for the Spin Doctors!

7:57 AM


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