Holla Back!!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Calvin Freakin' Klein

i can now breathe a sigh of relief, for about 2 seconds. I got the job at CK and it's cool but it's hectic. I like hectic though. The days have flown by even though I've been working 10 hour shifts. Next Tuesday I will be working a 15 hour shift. It's amazing how time passes when you are doing a trillion things ar once. Each day I would look at my watch and say, "Is it 4 already? Damn!" The people I work with are cool and I like being the boss. My boss wants to get a promotion to area manager and when he does I will be running the store and then I will drunk with power. The corporate office is in NYC so I told him that if he ever needs to send me there I would be glad to go.

The "uniform" is all black so I've got to go shopping and now my closet is very "goth chic" or very "Ann Yoo." This reminds me of a conversation from many years ago. Here is a transcript of it:

Erika: Wow, look at both sides of our closet. Mine is so colorful and yours is all black. Ann, are you depressed?
Ann: No, I just like black, it's slimming.

Anyhoo, it's nice to be working again. I feel like a real person. Plus I like to make people lick my boots.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEAH! congrats on the jobbie!
sooooo... you may have noticed that nothing arrived in the old mailbox. well i swear, and the dolak can attest to it, that i have something but i have to make some other stuff to send with it so what i'm saying is that it will come in the mail i swears. tonight! tonight i have time. i hope. but that couch is so comfy... oh man. i love my erika! congrats on being a boss. go make someone scrub something with a toothbrush. or have them follow you around and check you for boogers every 15 minutes. it's never a bad idea to make sure one's nostrils are clean.

10:48 AM

Blogger BLAND said...

Congrats on the job! Now Jack will be the best looking metrosexual baby in Seattle!

2:05 PM

Blogger BLAND said...

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2:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Can you put me in one of those CK1 commercials??

1:39 PM


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