Holla Back!!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

O Tanenbaum

I finally got my tree. i will put up pics of it soon. I ordered it from ebay. It's 3 feet tall, white, plastic, covered in glittered and pre-lit with white, blinkie lights. It's a thing of ghetto beauty. i got some ornaments from the dollar store and put those up on it as well. It's so incredibly tacky, which is why it is perfect for me. I call it my "winter solstice tree" because that is what I will be celebrating from now on. I'm sick of freakin' Christmas, so I'm changing it up. Be on the lookout for your gifts everyone. They are cumming!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're not Jewish but we do Hanukkah because I'm really greedy and want a guaranteed minimum of 8 gifts. Plus we like to sing that Adam Sandler song.

For the past 2 years, we have put up a tree that my mother forced on me because "you have to put one up for Maya" (oh yeah Mom -- the f***cking cats will be really sad if they don't have an indoor tree to climb and knock over on my new couch")

I'm a Scrooge. Pass the rum punch.

Ask Collin about the stupid chorus songs we used to have to sing at Christmas time and the vocal exercises the Dictator, errrrr I mean Director used to make us do. And bell choir at the Baptist Church. Yes, THAT is the underlying psychological reason why I hate "The Season".

7:26 AM

Blogger Kevin said...

WAR ON XMAS! Thanks Erika. Real nice.

7:39 AM

Blogger BLAND said...

I've become somewhat of a grinch myself. Pete wanted a tree in the apt. My response? "THERE'S NO ROOM FOR ONE BEYOTCH!" OK. Take out the BEYOTCH part, but the rest is true. If I had to get a tree, I'd get the fake, white, prelit one. Good choice. Dirty minds think alike eh, comrade? eh?

6:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus told me to tell you that you all suck.

Christmas rocks, and so do Christmas trees.

Some people aren't happy unless they have something to bitch about.

1:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

why not just get the sad charlie brown tree from urban outfitters, ann....it's tiny, and it would make pete happy.

10:18 AM


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