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Friday, November 18, 2005

get your nails did

As I sit here watching Inside Edition I'm stunned. They are telling this story about how "Spederline" are in NYC and Brit Brit takes a break to have her nails done. Now I know there have been rumors that she is getting low on the cash (although I don't believe it), but low enough to risk a fungus?????

My friend Tamara is a nail tech and she has educated me about why you never, ever want to go to an Asian nail salon. They are notorious for not following proper sanitation guidelines. I know that Britney likes to slum it (did someone say K-Fed?) but c'mon girl. Pony up the cash and do it right!


Blogger Queen of De-Nile said...

I've seen those salons cut people with their drills, actually draw blood, and not wash it off and or sanitize it! And you know what the health and lisencing department says about it? Write us a complaint. If you don't send it in to them in writing they won't even come out and investigate! And Washington, Oregon and California have the strictest laws against sanitation in salons!

I'm seriously surprised that I didn't get hepititis or Aids or something (although I did get fungus once) after being cut with their drills, now that I know how it's really supposed to work. Not to mention how they fuck up your nails, ouch!

And Britney Spears probably got both [hepatitis and Aids] from her husband. She goes to those nail places, and they don't sanitize properly, would you want to follow someone who's slept with K-Fed?? EEWWWWWW

8:33 AM


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