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Monday, August 14, 2006

Your secret life.

My manager and I were have a conversation the other day about what we don't want our employees to know about us. She won't connect to anyone on myspace from our work because she has all of her crazy photos from the Ren Faires that she goes to. I understand because I wouldn't want our staff to see me acting like a drunken pirate either. But my myspace profile is boring and nothing is that damning on there. However, I would never let anyone know about this blog. I would be mortified.

So here's the question: what are you hiding from your coworkers/subordinates?


Blogger Kevin said...

pretty much the doomsday device. oh, and the antidote.

8:38 AM

Blogger BLAND said...

Things I'm hiding from coworkers: that I unquit smoking. That's pretty much it. They know I love Phil Collins since I asked if it was OK to come into work late so that I could see him on the TODAY show. What they don't know is that I was once a stupid junky whore. Or is...

1:55 PM


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