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Monday, August 07, 2006

the future is now

You've already lasted longer than them.

Raise your hand if you thought that life would be better as a grown up? I couldn't wait to be older. I would dream of it all the time. I couldn't wait to drive, be 18, be 21, graduate college. But why, for what? I look at Jack and his life is so easy. The hardest thing he has to deal with is not being able get what he wants all the time and he can't commmunicate his desires very well, but that's it.

Looking at the pictures of Shirl's wedding made me realize just how grown up all of us are. It does have it's upside. I don't have to live with my parents, I'm smarter, but I also have a crapload of bills and responsibility and I can't always do what i want anymore.

Plus it also means that I can't live near all of my friends. although it's impractical and expensive to raise a family in New York, sometimes I wish I was really wealthy so that i could either live there or visit frequently. I like it here too, but a place is only as good as the people you get to enjoy it with. Thinking back to fun, old memories of college is great, but I want new memories that feature those same faces.

I want to live in a big hippy commune with all of us where Kevin steals everyone's milk, Ann's always asleep or masturbating, Shirl's always cleaning, Pete's always on the computer, Leah is being pessimistic and Sarah is out for a jog. I know that's nonsense but it's a nice little dream to have.

anyhow, much love and happiness to Shirl and Steve. I'm very sad that you opted out of having Elvis at your wedding like I did but it still looked beautiful. When you guys get tired of the city and want to try life on the better coast, you know where to find me.


Blogger BLAND said...

(Raising left hand while masturbating with the right hand)

Sigh. As we were getting ready for the wedding, I looked around and it did hit me how much older we were. We are adults now. I thought being a grown up was so fucking cool. And any life away from my dad was awesome. And I must admit, the thought used to be so scary. I used to wonder how people paid bills, took care of themselves (or their families). And now I see that it's a day by day kind of thing, so it's not so scary. (Whew) What is scary is that we lose touch with people we love and care about because of distance (sniffle), no time, crazy schedules, different time zones, death, etc. Thus there is a lack of new mammaries. I guess the upside is:
1. We remember the good times fondly (fondle-ly).
2. We learn from our mistakes and try not to repeat them.
3. We remember that one time long ago we weren't lame and can tell our kids someday that we were fucking rad.

6:01 AM

Blogger BLAND said...

(Raising left hand while masturbating with the right hand)

Sigh. As we were getting ready for the wedding, I looked around and it did hit me how much older we were. We are adults now. I thought being a grown up was so fucking cool. And any life away from my dad was awesome. And I must admit, the thought used to be so scary. I used to wonder how people paid bills, took care of themselves (or their families). And now I see that it's a day by day kind of thing, so it's not so scary. (Whew) What is scary is that we lose touch with people we love and care about because of distance (sniffle), no time, crazy schedules, different time zones, death, etc. Thus there is a lack of new mammaries. I guess the upside is:
1. We remember the good times fondly (fondle-ly).
2. We learn from our mistakes and try not to repeat them.
3. We remember that one time long ago we weren't lame and can tell our kids someday that we were fucking rad.

6:01 AM


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