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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Canadian Tuxedo

I was just pondering the fashion choices of many Americans and our friendly neighbors to the North. Why do people not understand that you simply cannot wear a jean jacket while wearing jeans???

I don't care if they are the same shade of denim or even made by the same company, you simply cannot do this. It's inexcusable.

You've been warned, I never want to witness this.


Blogger BLAND said...

Funny you mention that. I was watching tv last night and that annoying GAP ad came on where, you know, where the guys and girls dance and their GAP outfits magically change. There's one guy who is dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans and then all of sudden he's got a jean jacket on. I thought to myself, is that a no-no? I mean, denim on denim is nasty, but here's GAP promoting it!

8:28 AM

Blogger Erika said...

ann, if you see The Gap on the streets in this ensemble I would like you to walk up to it and slap it. And then shake your finger at it and say, "shame on you."

11:53 AM

Blogger Kelsey said...

*laughing so hard* Canadian Tuxedo. You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you that nearly every male in Canada has at some point worn that outfit, most of them do on a daily basis. It is hilarious. Personally, I don't do jeans, so I'm not worried...but watch out...Canadians have now stepped it up a notch 15 years after Neil Diamond made it cool, we're really into plaid shirts with our Tux's now...coming to a country club near you!

7:56 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

i honestly think that some people can pull this off. i am not one of them. but they're out there.

3:03 PM


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