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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Religious PapSmear

In my earlier post I mentioned how I went to the doc today. It was the first time there so I had to fill out that sheet that tells about family history of medical conditions and whatnot. Everything was going along like usual until i got to the bottom of the page. Then I had to do a "WTF?!?" There were four questions at the bottom, and here they are:

Do you believe in God?
Do you pray?
Do you have questions about your faith?
What faith are you?

How does this pertain to medicine???

And how can I explain my feelings about God and faith on a two inch line?

I got paranoid and started looking around to see if there were crosses on the walls or anything. Everything looked normal so I don't know what it was all about. But it freaked the hell out of me.


Blogger Queen of De-Nile said...

Do you believe in God? I AM GOD!

Do you pray? Only in the car!

Do you have questions about your faith? CONSTANTLY! When is Satan comming back again, for instance?

What faith are you? Sadist.

Thank you for asking these questions. When the dark lord reigns again I will make sure that you have a place in the higher circles of pain.

10:02 PM


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