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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dr. Phil I Shall Kill You

I am a masochist for sure. Sometimes I watch Dr. Phil for no apparent reason, although I hate that man. My mom used to say that "hate" is a strong word and that you shouldn't hate anyone. Well, moms likes Big Phil and I hate him.

I do respect the man though. He is a shrewd businessman. He gives people common sense advice and they eat that shit up and buy his books. I mean, the man has a weight loss program, and he's a big guy! Damn, that's brilliant.

Today they had this insane, controlling husband and his wife on. I wanted to punch them both. He was an ass and she put up with it for 7 years and wanted to keep it going. He had a list of 75 things that all good stay-at-home-moms should do. These are all in addition to taking care of their 2 kids. Let me tell you folks something. I have to sometimes hold Jack on my lap while I pee just so he won't get into trouble while I can't reach him. That may be TMI but it's the truth.

Some other chick wrote in on how she needed wife training because she hates to clean, cook, do laundry, etc. WTF????!!!!!

I'm fucking appalled.


Blogger BLAND said...

When you take a hard #2, do you accidentally squeeze Jack a little too hard?

8:44 AM

Blogger Erika said...

i don't really hate penis per se, I just hate to look at a flacid penis.

I've never gone #2 while holding Jack. I'd feel creepy about that.

11:16 AM


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