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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I'm Loathin' It

When I woke up the tv was on the Today show. There was some stupid woman talking about how she lost 37 pounds on her McDonalds's diet.

People are officially crazy. She says that Super Size Me made her mad and she wanted to show that people are responsible for themselves and what they eat. On this point I do agree with her. However, I don't think that this should get Mickey D's off the hook. They still spend billions of dollars a year making people think that they can eat healthily with their newer menu options (salads, yogurt, apple slices, etc.) What they don't tell you is that most of their salads have fried chicken on them and ranch dressing. Plus their full-fat yogurt that's chock full of high fructose corn syrup isn't doing anyone any favors.

If people want to be fat then they can be fat and eat whatever they want. I really don't care about how other people want to live their lives. But if you want to lose weight you can't rely on McDonalds to be your health food source for the rest of your life. In 90 days almost anyone could lose 37 pounds as long as they eat fewer calories than they were before. This doesn't guarantee that the weight will stay off though.

Oh well, this woman may not be as fat as she was but she'll probably have a heart attack in 10 years. Will Ronald McDonald weep over her grave? Doubt it.


Blogger Queen of De-Nile said...

I bet McDonalds is paying her to say that. How much money do you think she's getting? Not to mention the lipo they're probably paying for...Damn I should have become the spokes person!

Although McD's does make me sick, so maybe I should just eat there and become involuntarily balemic. Then I can sue the shit out of em!

McDonalds here I come!!

10:40 AM

Blogger BLAND said...

Wait. Why does she sit in her car to eat? WHY?

2:41 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

da-da-da da-da i sweat a lot

2:55 PM

Blogger WBbenny said...

I blogged about my McDiet, as I chose to watch my calories, and the salads, and yogurt are much fewer calories than most meals you can buy at any other fast food joint. The quality is good, and I get satsified for less out of my pocket. Besides, if you support McD's you are keeping stupid people employed and thats good for the economoy.

1:41 PM


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