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Saturday, July 09, 2005

Screw You Margarine

Collin got this thing from work today that compares butter to margarine. It scared the hell out of us and we promptly stopped by the grocery store to get some butter. I've been using margarine my whole life because people always say that it's better for you, but apparently it's terrible for you. In the article that Collin got it said that margarine was invented to fatten turkeys, but it started killing them so they added yellow coloring to it and began selling it as a "butter-like spread." Apparently it's only one molecule away from being plastic. Unfortunately the article has no website connected with it but I found one with some other info. I just googled it and a bunch of stuff popped up. Here's a blurb:


'Hardening' vegetable oil by bubbling hydrogen through it at high temperature produces margarine. The hydrogen saturates some of the carbon-carbon bonds of the oil. The product then becomes hard or solid at room temperature. When the carbon bonds are saturated, the product is called a saturated fat. Margarine contains some saturated fat. Otherwise it would not be hard at room temperature. The ads and the packaging for margarine are often deceptive. Advertising often states it contains 'polyunsaturated oil'. However, the processing saturates or partially saturates the oil.

Margarine begins as chemically-extracted, refined vegetable oil. This is a poor quality product to begin with. The high temperature needed to produce margarine destroys any vitamin E, and perhaps other nutrients left in the oil. Also, the final product contains trans-fatty acids. These are man-made fatty acids. Research shows that trans-fatty acids increase inflammation in the body. This can worsen illnesses such as colitis and arthritis. Very recent research indicates that trans-fatty acids in margarine raise LDL levels. LDL is the "bad" cholesterol.

Hardening agents used in the production of margarine include nickel and cadmium. Nickel is a toxic metal that in excess causes lung and kidney problems. Cadmium is among the most toxic of the heavy metals. It may contribute to serious diseases such as arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and malignancy.

Click Here for the rest of the article


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