Holla Back!!!

Saturday, July 02, 2005


It sucks to hear that Justice O'Conner is retiring. And by sucks I mean I just might have to actually move to Canada if some crazy, right-wing, conservative, anti-choice bastard gets her seat on the Supreme Court. However, it's nice to know that the first woman to be a Supreme Court justice had to grow up in the same place that I had to spend my boring-ass youth.

Now every woman's legal rights to her hoo-hoo, noni, bearded clam, etc. are in jeopardy. If the Bushies and the Baptists have it their way Roe v. Wade will go the way of the dino. ONWARD back-alley abortions, HELLO unwanted children, HURRAH for child abuse!!! I'm so glad that my Christian pharmacist refuses to fill my prescription for Ortho Evra! God will take care of my seven children, right?

I know that everyone is broke these days and donating money is hard, but there are other ways to help. Check out these sites for more info and free ways to help: writing to your sentators, putting up flyers, holding a "honk and wave," and many more.

Ladies, we owe this to ourselves.

Fellas, if you don't want to be a baby daddy you better get in on this too.

Planned Parenthood


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