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Sunday, July 03, 2005

WATCH OUT! There's a Thetan behind you.

Article about Tom Cruise and Scientology

So Collin and I have been a bit fascinated by Tom Cruise's actions lately (just like the rest of the world), but since Scientology has its headquarters right by where Collin used to live it's sparked an even greater interest into that kooky religion/cult.

You may find it interesting to know that L. Ron Hubbard (the founder of Scientology) was a big fan of H.G. Wells. Also, the original radio broadcast of War of the Worlds was put on in part as a Halloween prank by Orson Welles and also as an experiment in mind manipulation and mass hysteria by various government agencies.

How very bizarre that, allegedly, Scientology uses mind control/ mind confusion techniques on its followers.

Was Tom Cruise using his summer blockbuster to further the cause of his religion? Will Scientology benefit from this film? Maybe not by attracting new members but certainly from a financial standpoint. It has been said that you must legally sign over a certain percentage of your money &/or property when you are a Scientologist. I'm sure Tom made a bundle from this film and surely a large chunk of it will go to Scientology.

Let's just hope that sweet, little Dakota Fanning is smart enough not to fall into Tom's clutches.


Blogger Queen of De-Nile said...

oh no! Poor Dakota! She's a gonner, she's already immersed in it I'm sure. All we can do is pray for her....ummm wait a minute! How about hope, let's just hope that she really does have as smart a head on those shoulders as she's shown in the past.

LORD JESUS! Let us pray!!

Oh wait, damnit I've done it again! HAHAHAHA You'll never take me alive!!

Oh look, kool-aid.....

11:02 AM


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