Holla Back!!!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Red, White & BOO

Unless you have been living under a rock (or are Canadian) you know that yesterday was the Fourth of July. No matter how you view the holiday--a joyous celebration, a day off of work, an excuse to get drunk, a reminder of all of the bad things the US has done and continues to do, etc.--I'm dissapointed with the military's fireworks display. And I've decided that American citizens should not be allowed to purchase fireworks.

Last night we went to this thing called "Red, White and Boom" (yeah, it was as corny as it sounds). It's put on by the Navy and here's what we saw when we got there:

First, it was on the upper level of a parking garage. As we walked out of the elevator at the top floor we were auditorily molested by the band that they had hired which was horrendously loud, and the members looked like they were going to blow whatever they got paid on meth after the show.
Then, we began to walk around and noticed that the place was filled with stupid Navy guys (obviously) and their even dumber Navy wives. In true, white-trash Navy fashion, their filthy children were running amok totally unsupervised.
The fireworks started really late, and sucked, so we left before they were even over.

Maybe if the government wasn't spending so much money keeping Dick Cheney's baboon heart beating and funding the killing of innocents they could afford a decent Fourth of July event for their sailors/soldiers.

On our way home there were all these rednecks on the side of the road shooting off fireworks. I cannot stress enough how completely unnerving this was. Have you looked around the country lately? Would you trust people to have explosives? These are the same people who barely got through the eighth grade and they are drunk and this is supposed to be safe, and patriotic?

god help us...


Blogger Kevin said...

NYC's were prety lackluster this year too. But there's always the viable compaison point of new jersey, so they don't see too bad.

2:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah, you have to be at a foreign country's American celebration to get anything good. Then you get hot dogs, cok, chips, all the booze you can hold and yucky apple pie prior to the $100,000 show. Try the embassy of your choice next year!

12:44 PM


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